I had to read Baruch Spinoza, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, the Isha Upanishads, Siddhartha and the Zohar to understand what Jesus was talking about. In the aramaic, Jesus (Yahshua the Nazarene) always calls "God" Abwun. (Aba Father) or "Father in Heaven" - the letters also mean the cosmic Light within all things (Aleph+ Bayt) . Slowly Christians are starting to see that Jesus was some sort of Master of Tao (The Way) who saw that the Light exists in everything so that the 1st Law is the same as the 2nd Law. Love God (the Light within ALL) as your neighbor, as yourself - whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers that you do unto me. Jesus says "I am in my Father (Abwun) and I am in you and you are in me (John 14:20) Once you realize that everything is connected you cannot harm another - I think the Buddha also says that, so do not hate, show only kindness, compassion and understanding. Then you will discover the true Light that Jesus was talking about. - Within yourself. Luke 17:21
Namaste (the Light in me sees the Light in you)
"I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me." -- attributed to but not claimed by author Deepak Chopra
"I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One."
"I salute the God within you."
"Your spirit and my spirit are ONE." -- attributed to Lilias Folan's shared teachings from her journeys to India.[citation needed]
"That which is of God in me greets that which is of God in you."
"The Divinity within me perceives and adores the Divinity within you."
"All that is best and highest in me greets/salutes all that is best and highest in you."
"I greet the God within."
"The light in me sees the light in you" -- attributed to Bridget Laureira's experience with yoga practice in New York City.
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